Want consumer
on demand?
Need to know what’s next? We’ve got the full story. Connecting the dots is your data-backed secret to staying a step ahead of consumers in 2024.
You need to know what’s coming in 2024, we’ve got the full story. Connecting the dots digs deep into the data so you’re one step ahead.
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Here's a bit of detail
about our data
Core is our flagship survey – and the world’s largest study on the online consumer. Our data represents over 3B internet users, giving you 57K+ profiling points to understand everything about your audience. We track over 5,000 brands and cover over 50 markets.
GWI Core PlusCore Plus gives you extra detail on brand engagement and behaviors in 8 selected markets. It runs twice a year and also syncs with our Core data.
GWI USAGWI USA represents the habits and attitudes of 240 million internet users across all 50 states. This ongoing study tracks emerging US trends and questions not typically covered by market research providers – like cultural identity and ethnicity.
GWI USA PlusUSA Plus adds even more insight into US consumers, focusing on social and environmental issues like DEI and mental health. It runs twice a year and also syncs with our GWI USA data.
GWI ZeitgeistFielded monthly, Zeitgeist zeros in on the stuff that matters right now. It’s topical, timely, and relevant. The data in Connecting the dots draws on surveys carried out in 2023. This is a recontact study, which means that respondents also took part in Core.
GWI SportsSports helps you keep up with in-demand fandoms – from attitudes and behaviors to teams and leagues. This research runs bi-annually in 18 markets, and it syncs with our Core data.